A nephrologist is a physician who is specially trained to diagnose and treat conditions affecting the kidneys or renal system. A nephrologist will determine through urine analysis, blood test, X-ray, sonogram, or kidney biopsy how well the kidneys are functioning and will then prescribe a special diet and exercise program, medication or dialysis – a process by which a machine filters the blood when the kidney is no longer capable of doing so. Management of chronic kidney disease
Services of Kidney Care Specialists-Medical Associates of Drexel Hill
Services our Practice Provides:
Management of acute kidney injury (acute renal failure)
Management of hypertension
Management of secondary hypertension
Management of hypertension in pregnancy
Management of proteinuria (protein in the urine)
Management of glomerular diseases (glomerulonephritis)
Management of electrolyte abnormalities
Management of polycystic kidney disease
Management of diabetic kidney disease
Management of in-center and home dialysis therapies
Post-transplant care for kidney transplants
Medical management of kidney stonesCALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT